Mono_NIA: Peace Sound in Ink Encounter 02&03 Yuan Hui-Li
頌缽音頻被認為能繞過意識和思考,使腦產生讓人放鬆的α波,與身體共振可加速血液循環、幫助細胞修復淨化,提升精神正能量。在此疫情與戰爭影響日常生活與心情時,常以頌缽進行自療,久聽其沈穩單純平和之聲,腦中浮現如漣漪般墨暈單一影像。 以兩件“Peace Sound in Ink Encounter”錄像新作,響應「Moist Texture」(濕潤質地)與反戰主題,參加NFT聯展義賣資助烏克蘭,祈正能量擴散,和平安祥早日到來。 The frequencies of a singing bowl are believed to bypass consciousness and thinking, allowing the brain to produce relaxing alpha waves, and resonate with the body to accelerate blood circulation, facilitate cell repair, and enhance spiritual positive energy. During these troubling times upended by the pandemic and warfare, I often use singing bowls for self-healing. The bowl’s calm, simple, and peaceful sounds elicit in my mind a single image of ink diffusing silently across paper.