耿畫廊 DnA SHENZHEN 設計與藝術博覽會 地點 │ 深圳當代藝術與城市規劃館(廣東省深圳市福田區福中路184號) 展位 │ C02 參展藝術家 │ 彭薇、袁慧莉、蘇孟鴻 開放時間 │ ▋尊貴藏家預覽 ▋ 09.30(四)2:00 - 8:00 p.m. ▋公眾日 ▋ 10.01 (五) 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 10.02 (六) 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 10.03 (日) 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 10.04 (一) 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 耿畫廊受邀首屆 DnA SHENZHEN 設計與藝術博覽會,將在 ART021 上海廿一當代藝術博覽會團隊所打造的首個設計與藝術博覽會中,為各位帶來彭薇(b. 1974)、袁慧莉(b. 1963)、蘇孟鴻(b. 1976)作品;於彙集當代藝術精選之作的「藝展芳華」單元中,以三位創作者汲取自中國傳統筆墨戲趣的當代新譯,回應DnA SHENZHEN 結合古董器物、文房珍藏及不同類型當代藝術與設計的獨特視角。 中國代表性藝術家彭薇,繼2020年於耿畫廊及廣東美術館巡迴展出的展覽「女性空間」後,將為各位帶來著眼中國傳統文本的細膩敘事。穿梭於水墨圖像間的傳統女性形象,於彭薇的當代思辨中呈現了由內而外的徹底蛻變。於薄透絹布上描繪女性局部圖像的「窺」系列,彷彿在窺探中凝視中著不同時空中共同的女性處境;本次首度亮相的書法系列,在有如絮叨的低吟間展現出「陰性書寫」日常拙趣,於脫胎自傳統的當代水墨系列交相對應間,提示出現今女性美學的不同想像。 台灣女性藝術家袁慧莉,則試圖在水墨傳統的內蘊中更新原有的形意美學語彙。清麗淡彩的「孤山水」系列,以跳脫黑白色域的彩墨山水重新詮釋「墨」與「物」之間「物性」關係;而將山水皴法融入情緒表現的「類山水小屏風」系列,更開展了為感性所包圍的異質圖文詮釋空間,彷彿將細膩的抒情敘事以別緻的小屏風與傳統的恢宏山水區隔,為當代墨韻中點入了一絲標示著女性空間的感性。 現正於耿畫廊展出的台灣藝術家蘇孟鴻,則帶來令人驚艷的「異己國情調」系列作品。擷取自螺鈿工藝、掐絲琺瑯及中國傳統漆藝元素的當代繪畫,將畫布上拼貼著各式花鳥山水等已然模組化的東方符碼與西方抽象繪畫技法融合,令畫面溢散著一股馬可波羅式的模糊異國情懷。而本次展出的亮點作品《有抽象表現主義風格的屏風》,則為中國古董屏風裹上了不同時空、地域文化的美學想像;在華麗與唯美、文人風雅與當代消費等視覺語彙的並置共讀間,開展出更寬廣的當代美學指涉。 於中國設計之都深圳的首次亮相,耿畫廊僅以三位藝術家融合傳統與當代藝術語彙的精彩創作,回應 DnA SHENZHEN 將美學典藏拓展設計與藝術融合的展會精神,為藝術愛好者及來自不同領域的藏家群,提出一份屬於當代的藝術觀點。 - ► Tina Keng Gallery at DnA SHENZHEN 2021 Venue │ The Museum of Contemporary Art & Planning Exhibition (No. 184, Fuzhong Rd., Futian Dist., Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China) Booth │ C02 Participating Artists │ Peng Wei, Yuan Hui-Li, Su Meng-Hung Opening Hours │ ▋Vernissage ▋ 09.30 (Thur.) 2:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. ▋Public Days ▋ 10.01 (Fri.) 11:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. 10.02 (Sat.) 11:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. 10.03 (Sun.) 11:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. 10.04 (Mon.) 11:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Tina Keng Gallery is pleased to announce its participation in the inaugural edition of DnA Shenzhen, the first art and design fair brought to you by the team that created ART021 Shanghai. For the special sector Le Salon, we present the works of Peng Wei (b. 1974), Yuan Hui-Li (b. 1963), and Su Meng-Hung (b. 1976). Chinese traditional ink painting as refracted through the minds of the three artists resonates with the unique presentation of antiques, literary collections, and eclectic contemporary artworks at DnA Shenzhen. Following her 2020 traveling solo exhibition Feminine Space at the Guangdong Museum of Art and Tina Keng Gallery, noted Chinese artist Peng Wei (b. 1974) presents a body of work that accentuates Chinese traditional narratives. Female images rendered in strokes of ink instantiate a metamorphosis of women that frees them from convention and stereotype. Painted on oval-shaped silk, the "Peek" series depicts partial images of women as if gazing through a hole at the common circumstances that face women from different eras. Peng's latest calligraphy series makes its debut at this year's DnA. Rooted in tradition, the artist's contemporary brushwork steeped in a sense of quaint charm encapsulates today's feminine aesthetics. Taiwanese artist Yuan Hui-Li (b. 1963) reshapes form and meaning within traditional aesthetics of ink. Her "Discrete Islands" series, rendered in color and ink, breaks away from monochrome landscape painting in a reinterpretation of the relationship between ink and object. Blending emotion with the texturizng technique, her "THEY Shanshui Small Screen" series conjures a lyrical narrative that is delicately separated from the traditional grandiose landscape, punctuated by a sensibility that is uniquely feminine. Taiwanese artist Su Meng-Hung (b. 1976), whose solo exhibition is currently on view at Tina Keng Gallery, brings his latest body of work themed "Self-exoticism." Combing mother-of-pearl inlay, cloisonné, and lacquer crafts, Su's painting brims with Eastern flora and fauna motifs executed in Western abstract painting techniques, quietly suffused with Marco Polo-esque sentiments. One of the highlights from this series, Abstract Expressionist Screen (2020) is an antique screen enwrapped in Su's imagination of a different time, space, and culture. The juxtaposition of splendor, literati charm, and modern consumerism broadens the horizon of contemporary aesthetics. For its first appearance in China's creative capital, Tina Keng Gallery responds to DnA Shenzhen's spirit of fusing design and contemporary art by presenting three artists whose diverse works amalgamate tradition and contemporaneity, offering art connoisseurs and collectors from different fields a new perspective that resonates with our times.