目錄Context 003 霾中來去的批判藝術--記袁慧莉靜宜個展「霾日常」|彭宇薰 005 The Critical Art That Comes and Goes in the Smog-- Yuan Hui-Li’s Fiery Ink: Quotidian Smog in Providence University |Yushun Elisa Pong
007 墨的兩種呼吸方式|袁慧莉 Two methods of ink respiration and works|Yuan Hui-Li 011 第一章 火墨緣起:北京 Chapter the First_Origin of Fiery Ink:Beijing 019 第二章 古今對比:臺灣 Chapter the Second_ Comparison of Ancient and Modern: Taiwan 075 第三章 霾日常:全球 Chapter the Third_ Quotidian Smog: Global