台北國際藝術博覽會 Art Taipei 2019
參展畫廊:多納藝術 地點:台北世貿一館G06展位 時間:2019/10/18-10/21 此次台北藝博,多納藝術帶來5位亞洲不同世代及風格的藝術家,展現多納藝術當代風尚及品味! 其中台灣藝術家袁慧莉長年發展的山水系列創作,乍看雖然採取了熟悉的水墨形式,事實上她卻一直有意識地去打破傳統中國山水繪畫中慣見的佈局、筆墨與用色,甚至拆解山石的結構,將之磨練成一面折射個人生命起伏與內在情感的鏡子, 映照出時而繽紛多彩,時而幽靜深沉的景象。在她的畫中,山石既是物、也非物, 它的界線是模糊而曖昧的。那混沌卻又充滿生命力的線條與色彩,不但是她個人的最佳寫照,也彷彿延展了生活在這個島嶼上的你我所共同面對的文化處境。勢山水系列中,「勢」指的是結構或是運筆的方式, 帶出比較動態的一種表現。勢山水以布為材質比較強調線條, 相較孤山水以宣紙為底的內留白各有不同特色。 類山水系列no.44:春 THEY(Ambiguous) world series No.44:Spring
類山水系列no.45:夏 THEY(Ambiguous) world series No.45:Summer
類山水系列no.46:秋 THEY(Ambiguous) world series No.46:Autumn
類山水系列no.47:冬 THEY(Ambiguous) world series No.47:Winter
《Retina’s Memories─Donna Art & Consulting in Art Taipei 2019》
Oct. 18, 2019 (Fri) ~Oct. 21 (Mon) TWTC Exhibition Hall 1 (Booth G06) This year Donna Art & Consulting proudly leading 5 major artists from different countries, generations and style across Asia, bringing varieties of contemporary tastes and styles to 2019 Art Taipei. The artist, Yuan Hui-Li, draws mountains and stones. There are the remnants of time, the most ancient objects last in the world is timeless and historical. Life is short, if compares to those natural existence, reflecting the different living time of each being. Drawing stones is not just about “drawing” this single action but delivering a concept, that limited life is brief like flash, so we chase the eternality by restrict ages and out shine the past in perpetuity. Art work is also a type of remnant of times. By piling ink, mountains and stones are created in the painting, proving her live passage and breathing rhythm. Mountains and stones are not just what is supposed to look like in nature, they are sort of symbols. She thinks that the painting fulfilled with mountains and stones, is not scenery painting, nor an abstract inner image. It can resemble a space for expressing personal feelings, it also may be an issue she’s searching for, a metaphor of era circumstances. The theme for Art Taipei, Retina’s Memories, come from the feedback of art society in Taiwan to Donna Chen’s style of art collections. As a fan of detailed works and layers of crafts, Donna seems to collect artists’ retina as well as their artworks, in which give strong essence of artists’ creative and crafty spirit. Therefore, Donna Art and Consulting will bring these four artists and their masterpiece to Art Taipei and the world-class collectors and art lovers. 【G06 Booth: Donna Art @ Art Taipei】 10/18 (Fri) ~ 10/21 (Mon) Opening Hours 2019/10/18 14:00-19:00 2019/10/19-20 11:00-19:00 2019/10/21 11:00-18:00 (until 6:00 pm on Oct 21st) VIP Preview 12:00pm-9:00 pm, Oct. 17th (Thu), 2019 Venue Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1 No.5, Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan Map: https://goo.gl/maps/YMKPEZGvubkd15Nj9 Feature Artist(s): * LU Fang * FU Tso-Hsin * YUAN Hui-Li * NOVI Wayan * SAGAKI Keita * HUANG Shih-Lun (Art Taipei MIT Young Artist) 勢山水no.21-24 Intrinsic Potential Landscape No.21-24