「在她筆下的石,似乎也擁有自己的主體性,畫者,從於心者也,她說:『我只是自然的把它畫出來,心中有種驅力促使我畫這些東西,它在心中已經先顯像了,我只是透過手指把它放映出來。』」---陳莘, 2014
“Similarly the stones that emerge from her brush seem also to have their own subjectivity. The painter paints from the heart. She says, ‘I just naturally paint them. There is a force in my heart that compels me to paint these objects. They have revealed themselves in the heart, and I merely use my hands to project their image.’” --- Art critiqued by Chen Hsin, 2014
“Similarly the stones that emerge from her brush seem also to have their own subjectivity. The painter paints from the heart. She says, ‘I just naturally paint them. There is a force in my heart that compels me to paint these objects. They have revealed themselves in the heart, and I merely use my hands to project their image.’” --- Art critiqued by Chen Hsin, 2014