「山石的物性自身,一方面具有物質性,一方面又依存在宇宙的本性中,且又可作為普遍、超越論之物。袁慧莉透過觀察山石物性這樣的方式,卻並不是試圖在宇宙多樣化的真理世界中進行外觀或錯覺等區分、說明的陳述方式,而是試圖脫離這些既定物性的概念而另行蛻變。」---文真姬, 2014
“The objective body of the rocks is, on the one hand a materiality, and on the other hand within the nature of the universe and are therefore objects that are universal and beyond theory. Yuan Hui-Li’s observation of the material character of rocks in this way isn’t an attempt statement to distinguish or explain between appearances and illusions, etc. in the true world of a multifarious universe, but a metamorphosis that attempts to depart from these concepts of established materiality.” ---Art critique by Moon Jung-hee, 2014
“The objective body of the rocks is, on the one hand a materiality, and on the other hand within the nature of the universe and are therefore objects that are universal and beyond theory. Yuan Hui-Li’s observation of the material character of rocks in this way isn’t an attempt statement to distinguish or explain between appearances and illusions, etc. in the true world of a multifarious universe, but a metamorphosis that attempts to depart from these concepts of established materiality.” ---Art critique by Moon Jung-hee, 2014